Páll Hreinsson, President
20 February 1963, in Reykjavík, Iceland.
Cand. Juris 1988 from the University of Iceland. Visitor student in Administrative Law and Public Administration at the University of Copenhagen 1990-1991. Doctor Juris 2005 from the University of Iceland.
Professional Career:
- President of the EFTA Court since 1 January 2018.
- Judge of the EFTA Court since 15 September 2011.
- 1988-1991: Assistant Judge, City Court of Reykjavík
- 2007-2011: Judge, Supreme Court of Iceland
- 2005-2007: Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Iceland
- 2002-2005: Vice-Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Iceland
- 1999-2007: Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Iceland, 1998–1999. Professor of Law, University of Iceland
- 1991-1998: Special Assistant, The Althing Ombudsman (The Parliamentary Ombudsman’s Office)
13 books and 42 articles on Administrative law, constitutional law and law of obligations.
Occupational activities under Article 4 of the Statute of the EFTA Court:
No current activities.
- Ólafur Ísberg Hannesson – Legal Secretary – Tel: (+352) 42 108 313
- Kristjan Jónsson – Legal Secretary – Tel: (+352) 42 108 338
- Hrafnhildur Mary Eyjólfsdóttir – Personal Assistant – Tel (+352) 42 108 312
Bernd Hammermann, Judge
5 January 1964, citizen of Triesen, Principality of Liechtenstein
University of Fribourg, Switzerland 1989, Dr. jur. University of Fribourg 1997, Post-graduate Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences, 2006-2007
Professional Career:
- Judge of the EFTA Court since 9 April 2018
- 2013-2018: Director of the Office of Justice, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
- 2007-2013: Director of the Office of Land and Public Registration, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
- 2006-2009: Lecturer in the Bachelor and Master program „Business Information Systems“, Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
- 2005-2007: Tecnotal AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein
- 1995-2005: Member of the College of the EFTA Surveillance Authority, Brussels, Belgium
- 1993-1995: Legal counsel, Hilti AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein
- 1992-1993: Consultant with the Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Various publications related to Liechtenstein, EEA and EU law
Occupational activities under Article 4 of the Statute of the EFTA Court:
No current activities.
- Michael-James Clifton – Legal Secretary
- Hans Ekkehard Roidis-Schnorrenberg – Legal Secretary
- Kerstin Schwiesow – Personal Assistant
Michael Reiertsen, Judge
20 February 1976 in Tromsø, Norway
- 2012 – 2017: Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, PhD
- 2004 – 2005: Europa-Institut, Universität des Saarlandes, LL.M. (Specialization in EU-law, International Trade Law and Human Rights Law)
- 1997 – 2004: Faculty of Law, University of Tromsø, Cand.jur.
Professional Career:
- Judge at the EFTA Court since 1 June 2023
- 2018 – 2023: Judge, Borgarting lagmannsrett, Court of Appeals, Oslo
- 2017 – 2017: Lecturer, Institute of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo
- 2017 – 2017: Constituted Judge, Borgarting lagmannsrett, Court of Appeals, Oslo
- 2012 – 2017: Research Fellow, Institute of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo
- 2008 – 2011: The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Justice, Legislation Department
- 2006 – 2008: Judge and Deputy Judge, Hammerfest County Court, Hammerfest
- 2006 – 2006: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter, Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Werner Meng, Europa-Institut, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken
- 2005 – 2006: Legal Trainee, EFTA-Secretariat, Financial Mechanism Office, Brussels
Several publications in international law, in particular human rights law, but also international trade law and various fields of domestic law.
Occupational activities under Article 4 of the Statute of the EFTA Court:
No current activities.
- Agnes Lindberg – Legal Secretary
- Per Silnes Tandberg – Legal Secretary
- Silje Næsheim – Personal Assistant
Ólafur Jóhannes Einarsson, Registrar
27 March 1974, in Reykjavik, Iceland
2004: M. Phil in Law, University of Oxford, St. John’s College
2003: Mag. Jur. in European and Comparative Law, University of Oxford, St. John’s College
1999: Cand. Jur., University of Iceland
Professional Career:
- Registrar of the EFTA Court since 1 September 2018.
- 2017-2018: Counsel, BBA Legal
- 2011-2017: Director, Internal Market Affairs Directorate, EFTA Surveillance Authority
- 2011 Deputy: Director, Legal and Executive Affairs Department, EFTA Surveillance Authority
- 2004-2010: Case-handler, Internal Market Affairs Directorate and Legal and Executive Affairs Department, EFTA Surveillance Authority
- 2000-2002: Associate, LOGOS Legal Services
- 1999-2000: Legal adviser to the President of the University of Iceland
Various articles on EEA law, competition law and public law in books and legal journals.
- Candy Bischoff – Administrative Assistant
- Thierry Caruso – Caretaker/Driver
- Ólafur Jóhannes Einarsson – Registrar
- Gjermund Fredriksen – Financial Officer
- Annette Lemmer – Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
- Katie Nsanze – Administrative Assistant
- Bryndís Palmarsdóttir – Senior Administrator
- Erica Worsley – Administrative Assistant