
Upcoming Events:

Oral Hearing in Case E-16/23 – EFTA Surveillance Authority v The Kingdom of Norway


Delivery of the Judgment in Case E-6/23 and in Case E-14/23


Oral Hearing in Case E-3/24 – Margrét Rósa Kristjánsdóttir v The Icelandic State


Lunchtime talks:

The EFTA Court’s series of Lunchtime Talks began in 2003. Over the years it has established itself as an event where members of the institutions, representatives of states, lawyers, members of academia and business people gather over lunch to discuss current trends and developments in European law.

Past Events:

The EEA in times of change – 1 June 2018

On Friday 1 June 2018, the EFTA Court held its annual Spring Conference on the

Spring Conferences

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Lunchtime talk with President Francis Delaporte – 16 November 2023

The Reform of the Luxembourg Constitution and the Judiciary

On 16 November 2023, Francis Delaporte, President of the Administrative Court and Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Luxembourg, gave the latest in the EFTA Court’s series of lunchtime talks

Lunchtime Talks

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President Robert Spano Speech – 6 October 2022

The EEA Agreement, the ECHR and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - A Multifaceted Relationship?

On 6 October 2002, Mr Robert Spano, President of the European Court of Human Rights gave a speech, at the invitation of the EFTA Court, at the European Convention Center

Lunchtime Talks

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25 years of the EEA Agreement – conference – 14 June 2019

On Friday 14 June 2019, the EFTA Court and the EFTA Surveillance Authority held a conference, celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the EEA Agreement, at Concert Noble in the heart

Spring Conferences

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