E-27/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-17/24 - Söderberg & Partners AS v Gable Insurance AG in Konkurs
E-16/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-15/24 - A v B
E-12/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-11/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-10/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-9/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-8/24 - Nordsjø Fjordbruk AS v The Norwegian State, represented by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
Joined Cases E-13/22 and E-1/23 - Birgir Þór Gylfason and Jórunn S. Gröndal v Landsbankinn hf & Elva Dögg Sverrisdóttir and Ólafur Viggó Sigurðsson v Íslandsbanki hf.
E-6/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-5/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-4/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-3/24 - Margrét Rósa Kristjánsdóttir v The Icelandic State
E-2/24 - Bygg & Industri Norge AS and others v the Norwegian State, represented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion (Staten v/Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet)
E-16/23 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v The Kingdom of Norway
E-15/23 - K v Nasjonalt klageorgan for helsetjenesten (National Office for Health Service Appeals)
E-14/23 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v The Kingdom of Norway
E-13/23 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v The Kingdom of Norway
E-12/23 - Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA v Staten r /Klima- og miljødepartementet
E-27/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-17/24 - Söderberg & Partners AS v Gable Insurance AG in Konkurs
E-16/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-15/24 - A v B
E-12/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-11/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-10/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-9/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-8/24 - Nordsjø Fjordbruk AS v The Norwegian State, represented by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
Joined Cases E-13/22 and E-1/23 - Birgir Þór Gylfason and Jórunn S. Gröndal v Landsbankinn hf & Elva Dögg Sverrisdóttir and Ólafur Viggó Sigurðsson v Íslandsbanki hf.