E-32/24 - SKEL fjárfestingafélag hf. v EFTA Surveillance Authority
E-31/24 - Toska ehf. and Lyf og heilsa hf. v EFTA Surveillance Authority
E-30/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-29/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-28/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Icland
E-27/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-26/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v Iceland
E-25/24 - Dartride AS v Norwegian State, represented by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (Staten v/Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet)
E-24/24 - EFTA Surveillance Authority v The Kingdom of Norway
E-23/24 - AO and IM